Did you mean: 双相情感障碍

Bipolar disorder

Also called: manic depression
A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.
  • Treatment can help, but this condition can't be cured
  • Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong
  • Requires a medical diagnosis
  • Lab tests or imaging not required
The exact cause of bipolar disorder isn’t known, but a combination of genetics, environment, and altered brain structure and chemistry may play a role.
Very common: More than 3 million US cases per year
Consult a doctor for medical advice Sources: Mayo Clinic and others. Learn more
双向情感障碍又被称为“躁郁症”,是一种大脑疾病,会导致情绪、精力、活动水. 平以及执行日常工作任务的能力出现异常变化。 有四种基本类型的双向情感障碍;所有都涉及 ...
Dec 13, 2022 · 概述. 双相障碍之前称为躁狂抑郁症,是一种心理健康疾病,可引起极端的情绪波动,包括情绪高涨(躁狂症或轻度狂躁症)和低落(抑郁症)。
双向情感障碍 from zh.wikipedia.org
双相障碍(bipolar disorder)又称双相情感障碍(bipolar affective disorder),旧称躁郁症(manic depression),属于一种情感障碍,以经历“异常高涨的快乐期、情绪 ...
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双向情感障碍是一种严重的大脑疾病。又被称为躁狂抑郁症或躁郁症。患双向情感. 障碍的儿童会出现异常的情绪变化。有时候,他们感觉非常快乐或“情绪高涨”,.